Health and Medical Degrees

There are limitless career opportunities in the health care industry. As health care technology evolves, our knowledge of human health is evolving as well. This expansion of technology and knowledge is causing the health care job market to grow, which means more job opportunities for more people . For many, the most difficult part about beginning a career in health care is determining what field of health care to specialize in.

Health Degrees from A to Z

Depending on the job, applicants may be required to obtain a professional certification, associate's, bachelor's, master's degree, or some other specialized education or training. Careers in nursing or massage therapy, for example, typically require applicants to hold an associate's degree, which can be completed in 12-24 months. Many health care related careers, such as social work, require a bachelor's degree. Individuals who want to pursue a career as a general physician or a surgeon (or any other position involving medical treatments and diagnostic tests) must attend medical school and earn a doctorate degree. Not all health care careers involve treatments and patient care; there are also many career opportunities in health care administration and research. Individuals interested in health care administration jobs will need a bachelor's degree at minimum, but obtaining a post graduate degree is often required.

Aspiring health care workers may choose from a range of undergraduate college majors, including the physical and natural sciences, psychology, physical therapy, medical ethics, legislative policy, and business.

Online Degrees in Health

Online health degrees are an ideal option for working students seeking to advance or launch a career in health care. Online programs can provide education and training in health care administration, nursing, massage, and more. Individuals desiring to administer diagnostic tests and treatment are typically required to complete their degree in a traditional classroom setting. A great deal of advanced medical and health training can occur online, but people interested in working as a doctor or technician should expect to spend time in traditional classroom settings.

Healthcare and Medical Degrees by Specialty

Explore health and medical education and training programs by specialty.

Career Options in Health

It's estimated that the number of health care related jobs will increase by 20 percent through 2020, a rate two times faster than the average for all other occupations nationwide. Health care is a rapidly expanding industry, primarily because of increased understanding of medicine and human health, and because of the growing numbers of baby boomers getting older. Students with the proper education and skills can expect to enjoy numerous job opportunities in health care and medicine for years to come.

Because of this increased job growth in health care, salaries for health care workers are also on the rise. Salaries for individuals currently working in health care are relatively high. For example, nurses enjoy median annual salaries around $57,000, while anesthesiologists enjoy annual median salaries around $250,000. Whichever direction you choose to pursue in the field of health care, you're sure to have a good salary and stable career.

Online & Campus-based Degree Programs

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