Top 15 Recession Proof Jobs for College Graduates

There are several careers and job sectors that maintain their stability evening during an economic downturn. During a recession many financial experts advise people to invest in consumer staples - items that everyone must have simply to survive, even in a bad economy. The same holds true for careers and jobs that support the consumer staples industry. During a recession these jobs typically don't dry up. Consumer Staples includes groceries, health care services, health/medical products, health & beauty aids and home products such as soap, energy, and related goods. Other experts suggest that bars and taverns as well as certain entertainment industries will continue to thrive during a recession.
The following article presents a variety of long-term, stable employment opportunities for college graduates for the next decade, including 5 high growth career fields that don't have high education requirements.
Recession Proof Jobs for The Next Generation of Grads
Surprisingly, labor specialists, renown economists, and the National Association of Colleges and Employees report that employers in a several occupations today are in fact offering signing bonuses and higher salaries than in previous years, notwithstanding the downturn in the economy. These occupations include career fields in Business, Finance, and Information Technology.The Millennial Generation, those born between 1980 and 2000, is almost as big as the Baby Boomer Generation. What does this mean? It means that there are two large generations of people here in the United States and other developing nations that will require additional and longer-term healthcare, medical and wellness services, as well as financial planning services, since they'll all be living longer due to advent of predicted medical advances.
For the next 80 years, the Millennial Generation will the greatest consumers of information technology goods and services, computers, and electronic products. This generation will also make up the employees, business owners, and consumers of products and services made available by engineering of all kind. Many will be involved in private space exploration, green industries, and many other cutting edge and evolving industries.
Based on this information, as well as estimates provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the following industries are predicted to provide the most hiring, and experience the highest job growth, of any career sectors over the next decade. These industries are listed by annual salary.
Industry 1 - Sales and Finance
Marketing ManagersCollege Major Studies/Degree Required: Advertising or Journalism
Median salary: $98,720
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Financial Managers
College Major Studies/Degree Required: Finance
Median salary: $90,970
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Industry 2 - Computer Software
Computer Systems Software EngineersCollege Major Studies/Degree: Computer Information Science [CIS]
Median annual salary: $85,370
Forecasted job growth: VERY HIGH
Industry 3 - Engineering
Chemical EngineersCollege Major Studies/Degree Required: Engineering
Median annual salary: $78,860
Forcasted Job growth: Moderate
Electrical Engineers
College Major Studies/Degree Required: Engineering
Median annual salary: $75,930
New Jobs Forecast: 10,000+
Mechanical Engineers
College Major Studies/Degree Required: Engineering
Median annual salary: $69,850
New Jobs Forecast: 10,000+
Civil Engineers
College Major Studies/Degree Required: Engineering
Median salary: $68,600
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Industry 4 - Computer Systems
Computer Systems AnalystsCollege Major Studies/Degree Required: Computer Information Science and Systems
Median salary: $69,760
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Industry 5 - Finance/Accounting
Financial analystCollege Major Studies/Degree Required: Business Administration
Median salary: $66,590
Forecasted job growth: HIGHEST of the Top 10
College Major Studies/Degree Required: Accounting
Median salary: $54,630
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Industry 6 - Education
Specifically, Certified Teachers, Teacher's Assistants & Aides, Adult Education Instructors and Self-improvement Teachers. Due to retiring Baby Boomers many positions in Pre-K-12, adult education, life skills training, after school programs, college summer and year-around work-and-learn, work readiness soft skills training, prep tutoring, job skills training, and many more education sectors will be opening up. It is estimated that America will require more than 3,000,000 teachers and educators by 2015. Growth in demand for educators (especially teachers) should continue to grow through 2050.College Major Studies/Degree Required: Education
Median salary: $35,780
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Industry 7 - Energy & Environment
Energy provides a vast array of career opportunities for students and professional with diverse educational backgrounds. Occupations may require anything from a high school diploma to a PhD in engineering. Energy is predicted to be one of the most productive and expansive of national industries for the next century. Green Initiatives in particular should generate reconstruction of many energy sectors and create numerous new job opportunities. Alternative and renewable sources of energy will continue to grow and jobs to support this sector of the energy industry will increase through 2100.College Major Studies/Degree Required: Various
Salary Estimates: $28,460 to $250,000+
Forecasted job growth: HIGH
Industry 8 - Healthcare
College Major Studies/Degree Required: High school diploma, GED, Bachelors, Masters, MD, PhD, or professional certification
Salary Range: $28,000 to $250,000+Forecasted job growth: HIGH The health care industry provides a wide array of jobs and opportunities for career advancement. Other health care sectors are also growing including veterinary science, psychiatry and psychological services are also growing fast.
Nearly 50% of the 30 fastest growing jobs in the U.S. can be found in the healthcare industry. Some of the jobs include LPNs, RNs, medical assistants, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists & aides, Workers Compensation nurse consultants, and home health aides.
Industry 9 - Security
Computer information security is a rapidly growing career field with unlimited potential. As new information technology applications and inventions are developed the demand for computer security professionals will increase. Industrial security job openings will also add to overall computer security job growth over the next 50 years.A large number of security jobs will also be generated to address the growing need for Homeland Security and Defense. Over 83,000 homeland security and defense job openings are predicted to come available through 2020.
Security work can require a high school diploma/GED or higher education level.
Industry 10 - Service Industries
The number of service jobs in the United States may fluctuate given the state of the economy but since the 1980s the U.S. has become more and more a service based economy -- and this trend is predicted to continue.One particular segment of the service industry that continues to grow and expand is the food preparation business. From hotels and high-end restaurants to fast food establishments and catering there is every growing number of job opportunities in this industry.
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