California Job and Employment Websites
- BackPage/San Jose - online employment classifieds for the San Jose, CA area
- Bay
Area Careers - employers by neighborhood
- CaliforniaJobJournal
- from the Northern California employment weekly
- California
Labor Unions - a directory
- California
Online Job Network - jobs in San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento,
San Jose, San Diego, Orange County, LA, and Riverside
- job matching from
- CentralValleyJobs - help-wanted listings from California's Central Valley communities
- craigslist/Bakersfield - online classifieds for the Bakersfield, CA area
- craigslist/Chico - online classifieds for the Chico, CA area
- craigslist/Fresno - online classifieds for the Fresno, CA area
- craigslist/Humboldt County - online classifieds for Humboldt County
- craigslist/Inland Empire - online classifieds for the area centered on Ontario, San Bernardino, Redlands, and Riverside, CA area
- craigslist/Los Angeles - online classifieds for the Los Angeles, CA area
- craigslist/Merced - online classifeds for the Merced, CA area
- craigslist/Modesto - online classifieds for the Modesto, CA area
- Criag's List/Monterey Bay - online classifieds for the Monterey Bay, CA area
- craigslist/Orange Country - online classifieds for the Orange County, CA area
- craigslist/Palm Springs - online classifieds for the Palm Springs, CA area
- craigslist/Redding - online classifieds for the Redding, CA area
- craigslist/Sacramento - online classifieds for the Sacramento, CA area
- craigslist/San Diego - online classifieds for the San Diego, CA area
- craigslist/San Luis Obispo - online classifieds for the San Luis Obispo, CA area
- craigslist/Santa Barbara - online classifieds for the Santa Barbara, CA area
- craigslist/Stockton - online classifieds for the Stockton, CA area
- craigslist/Ventura - online classifieds for the Ventura, CA area
- Half
Moon Bay Review - employment classifieds (with the Pescadero
Pebble) - San Mateo, CA coastline area
- Inland Empire/Jobing
- Jobs and Employment Services Dept. in San Bernardino
- JobSummit
-- southern California jobs
- LACareers
- Long
Beach Gazettes
- Help Wanted classifieds
- LosAngelesJobs/Jobing
- Malibu
Times - employment classifieds
- NorthBayCareers
- OaklandJobs/Jobing
- OCJobFinder - employment classifieds from the Orange County Register
- OrangeCountyJobs/Jobing
- ProMatch
- for Silicon Valley professionals from the Cal. Employment Development
Department and the NOVA Workforce Investment Board.
- SacramentoJobs/Jobing
- San
Diego At Work
- SanDiegoJobs
- including East County, Imperial County, North County Coastal, North County Inland, San Diego Coastal, and South County
- SanDiegoJobs/Jobing
- San
Diego Source Classifieds - from the San Diego
Daily Transcript
- SanFranciscoJobs/Jobing
- SanJoseJobs/Jobing
- San
Luis Obispo County New Times - employment classifieds
- Santa
Barbara News Press Jobs Classifieds
- SantaRosa
- jobs in the greater Santa Rosa and Sonoma area
- SouthernCalJobs
- for the counties of Imperial, Kern, LA, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino,
San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura
- Ventura County Star - employment classifieds online
- Whittier
Daily News - online classifieds
- WorkTek - Southern California engineering and manufacturing jobs
Career Education Finder
Get information on career education programs that could help you increase your earning power.