Most Americans prefer to have their appliances and computers repaired since it can be very expensive to buy new ones. As a result, there is strong demand for qualified appliance and computer repair specialists throughout the United States.
Various training programs are available for aspiring computer and appliance repair specialists. Individuals interested in repairing computers must become A+ Certified. There are many programs available which culminate in this certification. Some 2-year programs grant the student not only A+ Certification, but an associate's degree as well.
Many accredited technical and community colleges also offer certificate and degree programs in appliance repair. Whether you're interested in repairing stoves, dishwashers, refrigerators, or washing machines, there are programs that will prepare you for these careers. Appliance technicians specializing in refrigerators are required to satisfy federal licensing requirements for handling hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants.
Explore certificate and degree programs in computer and appliance repair that can be completed online.
Colleges and universities providing degree programs in Computer & Appliance:
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Career Advancement Degrees
Earning a degree is one of the quickest ways to increase your earning potential and marketability. The degree programs listed below are uniquely designed for
working professionals and students seeking to advance their career opportunities.