The Career Change "Job Temp" Strategy
People usually associate temp jobs with dead end or part time jobs. Doing temp work can be one way to begin a new career. Even professionals with experience perform temp work, so if you plan to do temp work to begin a new career, the following are suggestions:
Select A Good Temp Firm
Choosing the right temp firm is very important if you utilize this strategy to begin your new career. We suggest that you select a temp firm that provides specialty placements in a single industry since most of these firms offer this service. Generic temp services usually help workers find work in finance, clerical work, or retail. If the firm, for example, provided specialty placement, it would place workers in finance jobs with the option of working for a variety of companies. Any temp job will be a great benefit to you, but it will be less difficult if you select a specialty temp firm.
Keep in mind temp agencies work for the companies where they place employees, not the people they place. Temp firms receive a fee after placement, but they make the majority of their money from producing client referrals after developing a reputation among various companies. If employees remain with the company, temp firms usually receive additional payment known as a conversion bonus. Since they are compensated this way, temp firms are seeking the most qualified and skilled workers to place with other companies.
Make an effort to acquaint yourself with your placement officer. Once the officer gets to know you better and is familiar with your qualifications, it is more likely you will get a job that suits you well. Be sure your placement officer is familiar with your transferable skills and qualifications that make you a unique candidate. But keep in mind that your placement officer is seeking the most qualified candidates for their clients, so present yourself very professionally.
Getting Placed
If you get a temp position, do not think too far ahead in the future. Often, temp workers want a different job once hired. Keep in mind you were hired to perform a specific job. Do your best to be productive and efficient at the task assigned to you. Attempting to get a promotion after getting hired as a temp can backfire. Remember to be professional, on task, and patient.
Working as a temp is a great learning opportunity. Skills or knowledge you acquire as a temp can lead to a job in the same industry later in the future. Temps are able to learn about the business operations of a specific industry, as well as conduct research about the industry, become familiar with business processes, and learn from employees and management.
Be involved with the company you work for and other events associated with the industry. Receive permission from your manager to attend events sponsored by your company. Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you to learn new things about your company and the industry the company is affiliated with.
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