Career and Job Search Guide

Online CDL Programs

The American economy is highly dependent upon the long-haul trucking industry. Truckers ship a wide range of supplies across state lines, which include almost every product consumed by Americans today. Before an individual can work as a long-haul truck driver, he or she must obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL). Many trade schools offer CDL training programs. Certain trucking companies will pay for people to earn their CDLs if they make a commitment to work for them for a specified period of time.

Before receiving a CDL, a person must successfully pass a CDL test administered by the state where they reside. CDL tests are comprised of a written exam, a thorough driving test, and a physical examination. Aspiring long-haul truck drivers should have a driving record free of any DUIs and excessive traffic violations. Truck drivers hauling hazardous chemicals are required to obtain a hazardous materials endorsement.

Explore training programs that will prepare you to obtain a commercial driver's license.
