
Floral Design Degree

Floral designers often develop the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully work in this field by completing on the job training after getting hired by a floral company. However, there are many accredited online and campus-based programs in floral design where students can obtain training to work in floral design. Many colleges and universities offer associate's and bachelor's degrees in floral design that can be completed online. Likewise, numerous schools offer degree programs in horticulture, floriculture, and ornamental horticulture, which are fields similarly related to floral design. Typical curriculum in floral design degree programs includes courses in pesticides, microbiology, organic chemistry, hydrology, soil management, and botany.

Those interested in working in floral design can enhance their job opportunities by earning a college degree or completing a training program in floral design. Most floral design training programs will only accept individuals with a high school degree or GED. Most training programs only take a year or less to complete. While completing a floral design training program, students will learn about industry trends, taking proper care of flowers, and various species of flowers. Floral designers interested in management or starting a company can benefit by taking classes in business management, computer technology, advertising, and accounting.

Floral Design Certification

Florists are required to pass a test administered by the American Institute of Floral Designers before being recognized as floral designers. To pass this test, test takers are required to pass a written section and a four hour review of their abilities, where they will be required to prepare flower arrangements for funerals, weddings, and other special events. Florists successfully passing this test often include this information on resumes and job applications.

Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Floral Designer?

In addition to enjoying flowers, florists should be creative, excellent communicators, and have the desire to assist others. Since industry trends are constantly changing and floral arrangements usually differ each season, florists must be able to adapt to changes and prepare various types of floral arrangements.

Working as a florist can be stressful. They must ensure their customers' orders meet their exact specifications, meet deadlines, and fill multiple orders simultaneously. It's also essential that florists have good organizational skills since most people request floral arrangements for special events, such as weddings, parties, and funerals. Florists must also work well with others and have excellent customer service skills.

Floral Design Careers

Floral design is a unique art form that creative people often enjoy. Many people with college degrees in floral design are employed at floral shops. Just over 30 percent of florists run their own businesses. Many talented florists are employed by interior design companies and luxury hotels to develop floral arrangements for homes and private parties and ceremonies.

There should be plenty of job opportunities available in the field of floral design since many florists are retiring and making career transitions. Many florists make career transitions since it can be difficult fining stable employment and earning a steady income. Median annual earnings for florists is just over $23,000.

Floral Design Degrees and Programs

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