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Corrections Degree

Corrections officers handle the day-to-day operations of correctional facilities and supervise inmates. They are also responsible for making sure inmates behave properly and facilities are secure. To do this, they frequently inspect inmates' cells and other areas of the correctional facilities. Corrections officers with college degrees often get promoted to supervisory positions. Individuals interested in working as correctional officers in federal facilities should consider earn a bachelor's degree.

Career Education in Corrections
Degrees in corrections are offered at college and university campuses across the United States. Many colleges also offer online programs in corrections to make obtaining a corrections degree more accessible to those who are interested in a career in this field. Corrections degrees typically cover the following topics:

  • Criminal procedure
  • Juvenile corrections
  • Probation, parole and corrections
  • Facility Management
  • Administrative techniques in corrections
  • Criminal investigations
  • Criminal law
  • Delinquency and crime prevention
  • Correctional institutions
  • Legal issues in corrections
  • Defensive tactics

Experience is also a big plus when seeking a job in corrections. Finding a degree program that fosters interaction and collaboration between students and professors will go a long way to providing you the hands-on training and experience you'll need to land your first job in this field. Gaining experience through interships and job-shadowing programs is also highly recommended.

Just as there are specialized positions within the field of corrections, there are specialized degree programs in corrections. Specializations include correctional officer, court probabtion officer, correctional counselor, sexual abuse response specialists and child protection services, among others. When selecting a program, you'll want to find one that offers training in your area of specialization.

What You'll Learn
Earn a college in corrections doesn't guarantee a successful career, but it will prepare you to obtain entry-level positions in the field or qualify for new career advancement opportunities. Upon graduating from an accredited corrections program, student should know the ins and outs of daily corrections operations, as well as the criminal justice system. Students will understand how rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities and prisons function, including their regulations, communication systems and management. Graduates will also be able to recognize and analyze factors that lead to an increased likelihood of criminal behavior and will be familiar with the constitutional process.

Online Corrections Degrees
As we mentioned, many colleges and universities now offers online degree programs in corrections. These programs offers students the flexibility and accessibility require to complete their degree while they juggle the responsibility of a job and family. Online programs allow students to attend class when its convenient, where it convenient. Best of all, students can complete their degree according to their schedule.

Many working corrections officers and personnel rely on online programs to complete their degrees. Many high-security facilities, prisons and rehabilitation centers are located in rural areas, far from colleges and universities that offer traditional campus-based corrections programs.

Below you can explore colleges and universities that provide both on campus and online degree programs in corrections management, jail operations, community corrections, justice administration, security and more.

You can learn more about becoming a correctional officer at

Corrections Degrees and Programs

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