Master Degree in Healthcare and Health Services Administration
Individuals seeking a promotion in healthcare administration careers usually do not want to quit their jobs to go back to school. Organizations seek employees with both experience and graduate degrees, so people interested in health care administration should attempt to acquire both. Working professionals who enroll in an online master's program in healthcare administration can continue to acquire experience while simultaneously furthering their education. Alternatively, there are a myriad of campus-based master degree programs in healthcare that offer flexible schedules for working professionals.An health care administration master's program will prepare students for jobs in middle and upper management. Students typically take classes covering the following topics:
- Operations
- Finance
- Quality enhancement
- Managed healthcare
- Communication skills
- Research
- Health care policy
- Strategic planning and marketing
Graduates of these program can look forward to job promotions and new career opportunities. The most job opportunities for graduates will be found at physicians' clinics, home healthcare facilities, outpatient care facilities, and hospitals. Graduates will not be guaranteed a job or specific income; however, according to the Medical Group Management Association, median annual incomes for healthcare administrators were between $72,875 and $132,955 during 2012.
Explore Master Degrees in Healthcare Management and Health Services Administration
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