Doctorate Degree in Leadership

Effective leaders are highly motivated and principled individuals. Begin developing your leadership abilities by completing a doctoral PhD program in leadership. With the growth of distance education, many schools now offer online doctorate degrees in leadership, which can be completed at your convenience whenever and wherever you choose. Online doctorate programs in leadership are an excellent way to acquire this training.

While MBA and DBA programs prepare students to manage people and resources, graduates of doctorate and PhD leadership programs usually focus on developing effective motivational and communication skills during the course of their studies. Topics such as communication strategy, globalization, organizational diversity, and other subjects are covered in PhD leadership programs.

Recent corporate scandals have demonstrated why good leadership is so vital in the modern business world. According to survey findings from the Worker's Index, most American workers are not confident in their organizations' leadership. A mere 30 percent of workers polled expressed confidence in their bosses' leadership abilities. Many workers expressed disappointment in the organizational direction of their employers, and many people working for government agencies expressed the same concerns as their colleagues in the private sector. Despite this pervasis attitude of doubt, leaders with the right training and experience can turn an entire organization around and change the attitudes of its employees in a short period of time.

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