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Associate Degree in Liberal Arts

Many people want to earn a college degree, but aren't sure which career they want to pursue upon gradution. Selecting a liberal arts and humanities major is a good option for these individuals. A degree in arts and humanities offers a very broad education, while helping students develop skills that can be applied in a wide variety of occupations. Some of the more popular concentrations and courses offered within an associate degree program in liberal arts include:

  • History
  • Psychology
  • English
  • Literature
  • Fine arts
  • Business administration
  • Foreign language
  • Public speaking
  • Math
  • Life science
  • Writing
  • Computer skills

Liberal arts students who want to focus their studies in art-related subjects can select from a variety of online or campus-based programs. A typical art program includes classes in a particular specialty examined from multiple perspectives, as well as general education classes. Online liberal arts degrees can be completed at any time, from wherever you're located, at your own pace. No surprise online programs are growing in popularity among working adults and students who are unable to attend a traditional campus-based program.

Companies frequently recruit individuals with liberal arts and humanities degrees since these individuals usually have acquired a variety of skills and knowledge during college. Earning a degree in humanities also demonstrates to potential employers an ability to successfully complete a college academic program, a highly valuable trait in the job market.

Associate in Liberal Arts Degree
Earning an associate degree in liberal arts is perfect stepping stone to a four-year bachelor's degree. If you plan on pursuing a bachelor's degree after completing an associate's degree in liberal arts, you'll want to make sure to earn your degree at a regionally accredited community college. Only an associate's degree from a regionally accredited community college is transferable to a four-year college and university.

It's also wise to check with an admissions counselor at the college where you pla on earning your bachelor's degree to make sure the classes you take in your associate's programs will meet the core requirements for your bachelor's degree and will be completely transferable upon graduation.

You may also want to consider earning your associate degree in liberal arts from a community college that has articulation agreements in place with major four-year colleges and universities in your region. Articulation agree ensure that (1) you'll automatically be accepted to a four-year bachelor's degree program at one of the participating colleges after earning your associate's degree and (2) that the credit you earn during your associate program will be transferable and credited toward the completion of your bachelor's degree.

Who should pursue an associate degree in liberal arts?
The associate degree in liberal arts is the ideal degree for (1) students who don't have the grades to get into the college of their choice right of high school, (2) students who want to transfer into a bachelor's degree programs and (3) those interested in saving money on their education. Earning an associate degree in liberal arts at a reputable community colleges is a great way to get your grades up and show admissions officers that you're ready to complete a bachelor's degree at a four-year college or university. Associate degrees in liberal arts are also one of the more popular transfer degrees for students who plan on attending a four-year college at a later time. Students who earn an associate degree in liberal arts at a regionally accredited community college, and are able to successfully apply credits earned toward the completion of their bachelor's degree, are able to save a lot of money. Earning college credits at community colleges is typically much less expensive than earning those same credits at a four-year college or university.

Explore Associate Degrees in Liberal Arts

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