LPN-to-BSN Degree

LPN-to-BSN Degrees are bridge programs designed for working nurses who want to continue their education and earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. LPN-to-BSN programs are particularly appealing because they allow Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to test out of subjects which they've already mastered through work. Different schools and programs have different policies, but most LPNs are able to test out of a number of required courses, greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to complete the program.

LPN-to-BSN programs are offered at colleges, universities, and nursing schools. Many distance education institutions offer LPN-to-BSN programs online. Online programs are especially popular among working adults, since they allow students a higher degree of scheduling flexibility. LPN-to-BSN programs typically involve clinical training as well as classroom instruction.

Most programs take 4 years to complete. However, many institutions offer accelerated LPN-to-BSN programs which can be completed in 2 years or less. The actual duration of the program will vary depending on the school, the required courses, and if you're able to test out of any subjects.

LPN-to-BSN programs give LPNs the opportunity to take their career to the next level of responsibility and increase their earning potential. They train LPNs to perform more complicated procedures, and provide instruction in such subjects as physiology, pathology, anatomy, and patient care. This training opens many career doors which would otherwise remain shut.

Another reason LPN-to-BSN are so popular is that they allow nurses to choose an area of specialization. LPNs only provide general nursing services, such as assisting RNs and physicians. RNs, however, can choose an area to specialize in, such as critical care, pediatrics, trauma, or cardiac nursing. Becoming trained in a specialty usually means abundant opportunities for career advancement.

After earning their BSN degree, nurses must pass the NCLEX-RN exam before applying to become licensed as an RN. RNs with BSNs are more attractive to employers than RNs with associate's degrees. Bachelor's degrees also qualify students to enroll in graduate-level nursing programs.

Admission Requirements
The admission requirements for LPN-to-BSN programs are usually the same as those for traditional BSN programs. Most programs require students to submit an application, a copy of their transcript, and a copy of their LPN license. Students may also be required to complete prerequisite courses in such subjects as anatomy, sociology, microbiology, physiology, psychology, and chemistry. Many programs only accept students with a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Once these requirements are fulfilled, applicants are ranked by the school's admission committee and emailed the results.

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