Physician Assistant Degree

Physician assistants are not required to attend medical school, but they have many responsibilities similar to doctors. In fact, physician assistants perform many different types of medical procedures under the supervision of physicians.

Physician assistants can request x-rays after examining a patient, make medical diagnoses, and perform minor medical procedures, such as suturing wounds and treating broken bones. In every state except Indiana, these specialists are permitted to prescribe non-controlled medications. In certain states, physician assistants are permitted to perform some minor surgical procedures.

To practice as a physician assistant, one must complete a two year program and pass a test developed by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. Most physician assistant programs will only admit students with a college degree and some work experience in the medical field. During 2008, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant recognized 142 physician assistant programs.

Explore physician assistant degree programs offered by accredited technical schools, community colleges and higher education institutions.

Physician Assistant Degree and Certificate Programs

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