Computer Networking Degree
Computer networking professionals design and maintain computer networks, and ensure that these networks are secure from online threats and intrusion. Networking specialists can be found in a number of positions, including network administration, network support, information assurance, information systems security, network design, and database administration. Since most companies and organizations depend on computer networks to conduct their business operations, they place a high value on the qualified network specialists who maintain and secure their networks.Entry-level computer networking jobs can be acquired after completing a certificate or undergaduate degree program. Students enrolled in computer networking degree programs are typically required to complete courses in operating systems, directory services, network administration, and network security. Many accredited educational institutions now offer online degree programs in computer networking. Online computer networking programs provide working professionals the convenience and flexibility require to earn a degree while pursuing personal and professional interests.
While your success as a networking professional is ultimately based on your professional knowledge and ability, earning a degree from an accredited college or university will go a long way toward helping you land your first job or getting the career advancement you've been seeking. Networking degrees are available as the associate, bachelor and master levels.
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