K12 Education Degrees

Since many teachers are beginning to retire and school enrollment sizes are growing at a high rate, individuals interested in becoming teachers will have penty of opportunity. Many teachers employed at elementary and secondary schools find their jobs very satisfying since they have an opportunity to teach young people who will be the leaders of the future. In addition, teaching jobs are usually quite stable. Most people have been positively influenced by a teacher during their school years and teachers are respected members of the community.

Most school districts will only hire teachers that have at least a bachelor's degrees and more and more schools are looking for candidates with a master's degree in education. Additionally, each state has varying teacher licensing requirements. Most states require aspiring teachers to pass a competency exam before being licensed, and certain states expect newly hired teachers to earn a master's degree in an education related field a few years after being hired.

Teachers who obtain graduate degrees enhance their knowledge, teaching ability and job opportunities. Additionally, they typically receive larger annual salaries.

Below you can explore elementary education and K-12 teaching degree programs offered by accredited colleges and universities. Programs are offered online and at various campus locations throughout the United States.

Elementary & K12 Education Degrees

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