Science Education Degrees

American students typically score below students of foreign countries in math and the sciences. To change this trend, the United States Congress enacted the No Child Left Behind. Today, competent, trained science teachers are in high demand in most public school districts and at private schools throughout the United States.

In order to teach science at public schools – and most private schools – in the United States, teachers must obtain a bachelor's or mast'ers degrees to satisfy state teaching licensure requirements. Many accredited colleges and universities offer now offers science education bachelor's and master's degree programs designed for teachers that can be completed entirely online or a local college campus.

Practicing science teachers interested in expanding their knowledge, individuals interested in developing science education curriculum, or those working as an administrator can earn a master's degree in science education entirely online.

Below you can explore online and campus-based bachelor and master's degree programs in science education. Many schools offer specialized science education programs in fields such as educational technology, administration, and curriculum development.

Degrees and Programs in Science Education

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