Literacy & Reading Degrees

Since it's vital that each person is literate to survive in the modern day world, teachers specializing in literacy and reading will always be in demand. Individuals who can read and write are able to pursue higher education and be productive workers and members of society. Research has shown that societies with high literacy rates usually have less poverty and crime.

Teachers and educators who specialize in reading and literacy instruction are able find jobs with nonprofit organizations, schools and community centers. Many literacy teachers also work with students who speak English as a second language.

To work as a teacher specializing in literacy, you must obtain a bachelor's degree. However, many literacy teachers also obtain master's degrees. Many accredited colleges and universities now offer literacy degree programs online in addition to on campus. Aspiring literacy teachers wanting to work at a public school are usually required to complete licensing requirements, which typically entails student teaching and exam requirements. Licensing requirements vary in each state.

Explore reading and literacy degree programs administered by accredited schools. Many schools offer specialized programs in elementary reading and literacy. Many traditionally campus-based literacy and reading education programs are now offered online as well.

Literacy & Reading Degree Programs

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